Astrolabium vranicum generale - A necessary and pleasaunt solace and recreation for nauigators in their long iorneying, containing the vse of an instrument or generall astrolabe: newly for them deuised by the author, to bring them skilfully acquainted with all the planets starres, and constellacions of the heauens ... In which, agreeable to the hipothesis of Nicolaus Copernicus, the starry firmament is appointed perpetually fixed and the earth and his horizons continually mouing from west towards the east once about euery 24 houres. Fraught also by new deuise with all such necessary supplements for iudiciall astrology, as Alkabitius & Claudius Dariottus haue deliuered by their tables. Wherevnto for their further delight he hath anexed another inuention, expressing in one face the whole globe terrestriall; with the two great english voyages lately performed round about the world. Compyled by Iohn Blagraue of Reading Gentleman, the same wellwiller to the mathematicks. Anno. 1596

John Blagrave
Verk före 1800
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Printed by Thomas Purfoot, for William Matts 1596 England, London [68] sidor.