Aytokatakritos or, the sinner condemned of himself - being a plea for God, against all the ungodly, proving them alone guilty of their own destruction; and that they shall be condemned in the great day of account, not for that they lacked, but only because they neglected the means of their salvation. And also, shewing, how fallacious and frivolous a pretence it is in any, to say, they would do better, if they could; when indeed all men could, and might do better, if they would. By one, that wisheth better to all, than most do to themselves

Thomas Ford
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printed for Edward Brewster, and are to be sold by Giles Widowes, at the Maiden head, over against the Half-Moon, in Aldersgate-street, near Jewen-street 1668 England, London [14], 256 sidor.