Britains royal star: Or, An astrological demonstration of Englands future felicity; - deduced from the position of the heavens as they beheld the earth in the meridian of London, at the first proclaiming of his Sacred Majesty King Charles the second, on May 8. 10h. 56m. A.M. 1660. And an enquiry made into the use and abuse of astrologie, resolving whether it be convenient to be continued or contemned. Also, an admirable observation of a conjunction of Jupiter and Mars made in the year 1170. by a learned monck of Canterbury, communicated to the learned in astronomy. Together with an exaination and refutation of that nest of sedition, published by Mr. H. Jessey, concerning frogs, dogs, &c. in his pamplet falsly intituled, The Lods Loud call to England, &c

John Gadbury
(By John Gadbury, philomathematicus.)
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printed for Sam. Speed, at the signe of the Printing-Press in St. Paul's Church-yard 1660 England, London [4], 36, 24 sidor.