Butler 1632 - an almanack for the yeare of our Lord Christ 1632, being bissextile or leap-yeare : calculated and chiefly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of London, and may indifferently serve for all the south parts of Great Britain, for the brace latitude 51 degrees, 32 minutes, longitude 25 degrees, 40 minutes : again amplified with tables and other rules and directions usefull both for profit and pleasure

Robert Butler
(Robert Butler.)
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Printed by the printers to the Universitie of Cambridge 1632 Utgivningsland okänt / Ej specificerat, S.l. [48] sidor. ill.
Printed by the printers to the University of Cambridge 1631 England, Cambridge, England [38] sidor. 1 ill.
Printed for the Companie of Stationers 1630 England, London [40] sidor. ill., tables, diagrams
Printed for the Companie of Stationers 1629 England, London [40] sidor. ill., tables, diagrams