By the King. Whereas the Kings Maiestie, for the better reliefe and sustentation of the poorer sort of people within this his kingdome, in this time of scarcitie and dearth of corne and graine, did out of his princely and gracious disposition, lately cause certaine orders to bee generally published and sent into all the counties, cities, and principall places of this realme for the seruing of the markets from time to time with conuenient quantities of corne and graine, whereby the poore might be chiefly prouided for with so much thereof, as should be necessary for them at reasonable rates ..

Proclamations. 1608-12-12
England and Wales
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By the deputies of Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie Anno 1608 England, Imprinted at London 1 sheet ([1] sidor.)