By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie is infourmed from the Maior of her Citie of London, that certayne shyppes of the North partes, are arryued in the ryuer of Thames, laden with Salmons and Herrynges, brought from Scotlande and other forayne partes of the North - which are according to the custome of those countreys, barrelled in caske and vessels, not so gret in quantitie as barrels vsed for such fyshe in this realme of Englande

Proclamations. 1565-12-22
England and Wales
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In Powles Churchyarde, by Rycharde Iugge and Iohn Cawood: Printers to the Queenes Maiestie 1565 England, Imprinted at London 1 sheet ([1] sidor.)