Certaine vvorkes of Galens, called Methodus medendi - with a briefe declaration of the worthie art of medicine, the office of a chirurgion, and an epitome of the third booke of Galen, of naturall faculties: all translated into English, by Thomas Gale Maister in Chirurgerie

On the therapeutic method
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Printed by Thomas East, dwelling betweene Paules Wharfe and Baynards Castle 1586 England, At London [6], 138 leaves
Printed by Thomas East. dwelling betweene Paules Wharfe and Baynards Castle 1586 , London [5], 104 sidor. 4:o
Printed by Thomas East dwelling betweene Paules Warfe and Baynards Castle. 1566 England, At London [16+], 355, 353-378, 19 sidor.