Clavis astrologiæ, or, A key to the whole art of astrologie - in two parts: containing I. A brief, methodical, plain introduction thereunto enabling the meanest capacity fully to understand the fundamental grounds thereof and to give a rational judgment upon any astrological figure, nativity or question whatever: also how to make a proper election upon any occasion: unto which is annexed a small book of scheams ready set. II. The Genethliacal part of astrology, briefly comprehending the whole doctrine of directions, revolutions and projections; wherein is shewn by an easie and familiar method, how to rectifie and calculate nativities several ways, and according to any author, as Regiomontanus, Argol, or Kepler: also how to set a scheam the most exact way: with all requisits belonging unto the art of directions perfomed onely by a small artificial canon of sines and tangents; also many brief useful tables covenient for such work; with other varieties not here to fore published

Henry Coley
(By Henry Coley philomat.)
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printed for Jos. Coniers at the Raven in Ducklane 1669 England, London [8], 192, [2], 47, 46-276 sidor., [2] leaf of plates ill. diagrams, tables