Ducks and green peas, or the Newcastle rider: a farce, founded in fact. Of one act. ... To which is added, the adventures of Jack Okham & Tom Splieewell sic, two sailors, who went pirating on the King's highway
- Författare
- John Lund
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
printed by J. Morren | 1800? | Skottland, Edinburgh | 24p. 8⁰. | |
M,DCC,IXIII 1793 | England, Newcastle upon Tyne? | 36p. 12⁰. | ||
printed in the year | 1788 | England, Newcastle | 24p. 12⁰. | |
1785 | England, Newcastle upon Tyne? | 36p. 12⁰. |