Englands losse and lamentation, occasioned by the death of that Right Honourable, Robert Lord Brooke, Baron of Beauchamp-court, who was slaine at Lichfield the second day of March. 1642. - Amplified, by some mournfull funerall expressions, from the authors feeling sense of so unvaluable a losse; complaining of the kingdomes stupidity, to awake a people slumbering in security, insensible of their insuing misery. Concluding with some consolations to his friends, and terror to his enemies popishly affected, and all malignants. By a loyall subject to the King, and a lover of the late Lord Brookes, and all his wel-wishers

Loyal subject to the King and a lover of the late Lord Brookes and all his wel-wishers.
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Printed for L. Chapman 1643 England, London [8] sidor.