Englands vvay to vvin vvealth, and to employ ships and marriners: or, A plaine description of what great profite, it will bring vnto the common-wealth of England, by the erecting, building, and aduenturing of busses, to sea, a fishing - With a true relation of the inestimable wealth that is yearely taken out of his Maiesties seas, by the Hollanders, by their great numbers of busses, pinkes, and line-boates: and also a discourse of the sea-coast townes of England, and the most fit and commodious places, and harbours that wee haue for busses, and of the small number of our fishermen, and also the true valuation, and whole charge, of building, and furnishing, to sea, busses, and pinks, after the Holland manner. By Tobias Gentleman, fisherman and marriner

Tobias. Gentleman
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Printed by Nicholas Okes for Nathaniel Butter 1614 England, London [6], 50 sidor.