Fornander collection of Hawaiian antiquities and folk-lore - The Hawaiians' account of the formation of their islands and origin of their race, with the traditions of their migrations, etc., as gathered from original sources

Abraham Fornander
(Abraham Fornander ..., with translations revised and illustrated with notes by Thomas G. Thrum.)
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
1920 USA, Honolulu [359]-[546] sidor. 33 cm.
1919 USA, Honolulu [226]-503 sidor. 33 cm.
1918 USA, Honolulu 225 sidor. 33 cm.
1917 USA, Honolulu [174]-434 sidor. 33 cm.
1916 USA, Honolulu 173 sidor. illustrations, frontispiece (portrait) 33 cm.
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