Gonosologium novum - or, a new system of all the secret infirm and diseases, natural, accidental, and venereal in men and women, that defile and ruin the healths of themselves and their posterity, obstruct conjugal delectancy and pregnancy, with their various methods of cure. To which is added, something particular concerning generation and conception, and of miscarriages in women from venereal causes. The like never done before. Useful for physicians, surgeons, apothecaries and midwives, as well as for those that have, or are in danger o falling under any such impure of defective indispositions. With a further warning against quacks, and of some late notorious abuses committed by them, shewing who they are, and how to avoid them. By John Marten, chirurgeon. Written by way of appendix to the sixth edition of his book of the venerea disease lately publish'd; and done with the same letter, on the same paper, that those who please may bind it up with that
- Författare
- John Marten
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- Engelska
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printed for, and sold by N. Crouch in the Poultry, S. Crouch, in Cornhil, J. Knapton, and M. Atkins in St. Paul's Church-Yard, A. Collins at the Black Boy in Fleet-street P. Varenne at Seneca's Head in the Strand, C. King, Westminster-hall, booksellers, and at the author's house, the further end of Hatton-Garden, on the left hand beyond the Chappel, John Marten, surgeon, writ over the door | 1709 | England, London | [24], 152 sidor. 8⁰. |