Here begynneth the first volum of sir Iohan Froyssart - of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flaunders: and other places adioynynge. Translated out of frenche into our maternall englysshe tonge, by Iohan Bourchier knight lorde Berners: at the commaundement of oure moost highe redouted souerayne lorde kyng Henry the. viii. kyng of Englande and of Fraunce, and highe defender of the christen faythe. etc

Jean Froissart
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In Fletestrete by Richarde Pynson, printer to the kynges noble grace And ended the. xxviii. day of Ianuary: the yere of our lorde. M.D.xxxiii. 1523 England, Imprinted at London [10], CCC.xxii leaves