Here begynnyth a treatyse intitulyd The myrrour of good maners - conteynynge the iiii vertues callyd cardynall
- Originaltitel
- Libellous de quattuor virtutibus
- Författare
- Dominicus Mancinus
- (Compyled in Latyn by Domynike Mancyn and translate into Englysshe at the desyre of Syr Gyles Alyngton ... by Alexander Bercley ..)
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
Imprynted by me Rychard Pynson ... at the instance and request of the ryght noble Rychard yerle of Kent | 1520? | Utgivningsland okänt / Ej specificerat, S.l. | [100] sidor. |