Horometria: or The compleat diallist. - Wherein the whole mystery of the art of dialling is plainly taught three several wayes; two of which are performed geometrically by rule and compass onely: and the third instrumentally, by a quadrant fitted for that purpose. With the working of such propositions of the sphere, as are most usefull in astronomy and navigation ... By Thomas Stirrup, philomath. Whereunto is added an appendix, shewing how the parallels of declination; the Jewish, Babylonish, & Italian houres; the azimuths, almicanters, &c. may be easily inscribed on any dial whatsoever, by rule and compasse onely. And to draw a diall on the seeling of a room, by W. Leybourn. Also, Dialling Vniversal, performed by an easie and most speedy way, ... by certain scales set on a small portable ruler, by G.S. practitioner in the mathematicks

Thomas. Stirrup
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printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for Thomas Pierrepont, at the Sun in Paul's Church-yard 1658 England, London [8], 184; [8], 132 sidor. ill. (woodcuts)
Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for Thomas Pierrepont, at the Sun in Paul's Chnrch-yard sic 1652 England, London [12], 208 sidor. ill. (woodcuts)