Hudibras: In three parts. - Written in the time of the late wars. By Samuel Butler. With a complete index. A new edition. In two volumes. Volume I

Samuel Butler
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Printed for A. Wren & G. Hodges MDCCLXXXIV. 1784 England, London 2v. 12⁰.
Printed for B. Long and T. Pridden 1773 England, London 382 sidor. 16 cm.
printed by Robert & Andrew Foulis M.DCC.LXIX. 1769 Skottland, Glasgow 2v.(xvi,476p.) 12⁰.
Printed by Sands, Donaldson, Murray, & Cochran, for A. Kincaid & J. Bell, and A. Donaldson MDCCLVIII. 1758 Skottland, Edinburgh xi,[1],372p. 12⁰.
Printed by R. Urie MDCCLIII. 1753 Skottland, Glasgow 432p.,plates port. 12⁰.
Printed, and are to be sold by W. Rogers ... 1684 England, London 675 sidor. in various pagings.
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