In this boke are conteyned the commendacions of matrymony - the maner and fourme of contractyng solempnysynge and lyuyng in the same. With declaracyon of all suche impedymentes as dothe let matrymony to be made. And also certeyne other thynges whiche curates be bounden by ye lawe to declare oftentymes to theyr parysshe. Imprynted at the instaunce of mayster Polydore Vergyl archedeaken of Welles

Commendations of matrimony
William Harrington
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In Poules chyrche yarde by me Iohan Skot The yere of lorde god. M.CCCCC.xxviii. the .xxiiii. day of Iuly. 1528 England, Imprynted at London [44] sidor.
In fletestrete at ye sygne of saint George by John Skot for me Roberte Redman In the yere of oure lorde god. M.CCCCC.xxviii. the .xxiiii. day of Iuly. 1528 England, Imprynted at London [44] sidor.