Iniunctions given by the reuerende Father in God, Thomas Bishop of Lincolne - to be obserued throughout his diocesse, for the better execution of the Queenes Maiesties lawes and ordinances, in matters ecclesiasticall. The 3. of Iune. Anno. 1577. Also certeine articles to be inquired of, in the visitation of the said reuerende Father in God, Thomas Bihoppe of Lincolne, in the xix. yeare of the reigne of our most gratious souereigne Ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faithe, etc

Church of England
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By Ralphe Newberrie, dwelling in Fleete-streate a litle aboue the Conduite Anno Domini. 1577 England, Imprinted at London [6+] sidor.