Littleton tenures in Englishe - / Cum priuilegio

Tenures. 1576
Thomas Littleton, Sir
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by Rychard Tottyl 1576 England, Imprinted at London in Fleetstreete within Temple Barre at the signe of the Hand and Starre 142 [i.e. 284], [3] sidor.
In Fletestrete within Temple Barre at the signe of the hande and Starre by Rychard Tottyl 1574 England, Imprinted at London 144 leaves
By Richard Tottle the xvi. day of April the yere of our lord M.D.V.I. 1556 England, Imprinted at London in Fletestrete within Temple Barre, at the signe of the hande and Starre 145 leaves.
In Fletestrete within Temple barre, at the signe of the hande and Starre, by Richard Tottle, the. xvi. daye of April the yere of our lord. M.D.LUI. 1556 England, Imprinted at London 146 leaves.
In Flete strete within Temple barre at the sygne of the hande and starre by Richard Tottell The. xvi. daye of Aprill. Anno. do. 1556 England, Imprinted at London 144 leaves