Förlag |
År |
Ort |
Om boken |
by Rychard Tottyl |
1576 |
England, Imprinted at London in Fleetstreete within Temple Barre at the signe of the Hand and Starre |
142 [i.e. 284], [3] sidor. |
In Fletestrete within Temple Barre at the signe of the hande and Starre by Rychard Tottyl |
1574 |
England, Imprinted at London |
144 leaves |
By Richard Tottle |
the xvi. day of April the yere of our lord M.D.V.I. 1556 |
England, Imprinted at London in Fletestrete within Temple Barre, at the signe of the hande and Starre |
145 leaves. |
In Fletestrete within Temple barre, at the signe of the hande and Starre, by Richard Tottle, the. xvi. daye of April the yere of our lord. |
M.D.LUI. 1556 |
England, Imprinted at London |
146 leaves. |
In Flete strete within Temple barre at the sygne of the hande and starre by Richard Tottell |
The. xvi. daye of Aprill. Anno. do. 1556 |
England, Imprinted at London |
144 leaves |