Logarithmicall arithmetike. Or Tables of logarithmes for absolute numbers from an unite to 100000 - as also for sines, tangentes and secantes for every minute of a quadrant: with a plaine description of their use in arithmetike, geometrie, geographie, astronomie, navigation, &c. These numbers were first invented by the most excellent Iohn Neper Baron of Marchiston, and the same were transformed, and the foundation and use of them illustrated with his approbation by Henry Briggs Sir Henry Savile Professor of Geometrie in the Vniversitie of Oxford. The uses whereof were written in Latin by the author himselfe, and since his death published in English by diverse of his friends according to his mind, for the benefit of such as understand not the Latin tongue
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Printed by George Miller |
1631 |
England, London |
[2], 62; [764] sidor. |