Martis vicesimo primo die Octobr. 1684 annoq, regni Regis Caroli Secundi, Angliæ &c. tricesimo sexto - it is ordered by this court that the order hereafter following (against servants being retained without a testimonial) made at the last quarter sessions held for this city, shall be forthwith printed and published

England and Wales
(Lond. ss. ad General Quarterial' Sessionem pacis Domini Regis, tent' pro Civitat' London, per adjournament' apud Justice-Hall in le Old-Baily, London, die Mercurii, scilicet Octavo die Octobris, anno regni Regis Caroli secundi, nunc Angl' &c. tricesimo sexto.)
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Printed by Samuel Roycraft, printer to this honourable city 1684 England, London 1 broadside.