Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, The starry messenger, for the year of our redemption, 1743. - Being the third after bessextile or leap year. Wherein is contained, I. Astronomical, astrological, and meteorological observations. II. The state of the year deduced according to art, from solar ingresses, eclipses, various configurations, aspects and conjunctions of the seven planets. III. The rising, southing and setting of the moon, and high-water at London Bridge. IV. Tables of the rising, southing and setting of the seven stars, and other fixed stars of note: a perpetual table of the rising and setting of the sun, beginning and ending of twilight, and length of the day and night, to every fifth day throughout the year; with many other tables pertinent for such a work, all accommendated to the meridian of London, whose latitude is 51 degrees, 32 minutes north, but will serve for any part of Great-Britain or Ireland. The like not extant. By Henry Coley, student in the mathematicks and the cl̆estial science

Henry Coley
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Printed by M. Read, for the Company of Stationers 1743 England, London [48]p. 8⁰.