Military orders, and articles, established by His Maiestie, for the better ordering and government of his Maiesties armie. - With the oath which every souldier is to take. Also two proclamations, one against plundering and robbing. The other against selling or buying of armes and and sic horse. With instructions for musters and armes, and the use thereof. All which our said lawes, ordinances, and instructions, we straitly command to be read plainly and distinctly, by the Captaine, or other chiefe officer, to his owne company, at least once a week. And that the oath be administred in the respective quarters by the provost-mar-marshall sic Generall, assisted by the severall officers of each regiment: in the horse-quarters by sound of trumpet; and amongst the foot by beat of drum

England and Wales
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Re-printed by His Maiesties command at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the Vniversity. 1643 England, Oxford [24] sidor. ill.