Moses unveiled - or those figures which served unto the pattern and shadow of heavenly things, pointing out the Messiah Christ Jesus, briefly explained. Whereunto is added the harmony of all the prophets, breathing with one mouth, the mystery of his coming, and of that redemption which by his death he was to accomplish. To confirm the Christian, and convice the Jew; very profitable and full of comfort

William Guild
(By William Guild, minister of God's word at King-Edward in Scotland.)
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Printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the three crowns, over-against the great Conduit, at the lower end of Cheapside 1658 England, London [18], 184 [14], 56 sidor.
Printed for Thomas Parkhurst ... 1658 England, London [16], 200, 56.
printed by F.L. for P.C. 1658 England, Dondon sic [14], 184 sidor.