Most hapy and wellcome newes from His Excellencie the Earle of Essex. - wherein is declared the true and full relation, of two famous victories obtained by the Parliament forces. The first, fought by the Lord of Rochford at Twyford, Ian. 15. where with 700 men, he routed all the Kings army, consisting of about 1500. who came to burne the said towne. The second, fought by Collonell Chomley at Hurst, Ian. 17. neere Reading, where with 300. men he gave battle to 2000. of the Kings forces, which sallied out of Reading, with a resolution to take and pillage Hurst of all their corne and hay. Declaring the manner of their first meeting, and how after 4. or 5. houres fight, they fored sic them to retreat, killing 300. of the cavaliers and taking 60. horse. with the losse of twenty three men
- Författare
- Robert Devereux Essex, Earl of
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
Printed for T. Rider | 1643 | England, London | [8] sidor. | |