Of the dominion, or ownership, of the sea - two books : in the first is shew'd, that the sea, by the lavv of nature, or nations, is not common to all men, but capable of private dominion or proprietie, as well as the land : in the second is proved, that the dominion of the British sea ... is, and ever hath been, a part or appendant of the empire of that island

Mare clausum
John Selden
(Written at first in Latin, and entituled, Mare clausum, seu, De dominio maris, by John Selden, Esquire translated into English, and set forth with some additional evidences and discourses by Marchamont Nedham.)
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Printed by William Du-Gard ... 1652 England, London [47], 500 [i.e. 494] sidor., [12], 37 sidor. ill., 12 maps
Published by William Du-Gard 1652 England, London [46], 500 [i.e. 494], [2] (blank), [10], 37 sidor. ill.
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