Partial differential equations II - qualitative studies of linear equations

Michael Eugene Taylor
(Michael E. Taylor.)
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Springer 2023 Schweiz, Cham xxiii, 687 pages illustration 24 cm. 978-3-031-33699-7
Springer 2023 Schweiz, Cham xxiii, 755 pages illustrations (black and white) 24 cm. 978-3-031-33927-1
Springer New York 2011 USA, New York, NY 978-1-4419-7049-7
Springer New York 2011 USA, New York, NY 978-1-4419-7052-7
Springer New York 2011 USA, New York, NY 978-1-4419-7055-8
Springer cop. 2011 USA, New York xxii, 715 sidor. ill. 978-1-4419-7048-0
Springer New York 2011 Utgivningsland okänt / Ej specificerat
Springer cop. 1996 Tyskland, New York 3 vol. ill.
Springer cop. 1996 USA, New York 528 sidor.
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