Prince Charles his message; - sent from his court at St. Germans; March 27. 1648. to Mr. William Swan Lieutenant to the Governour of Dover-Castle. Concerning the seizing and maintaining of Dover-Castle, and all the forts and bulwarks thereunto belonging, for the Kings Majesty. Also, a coppy of the commission, sent from his Highnes to the said Lieutenant Swan, constituting (him in Majesties name) governour of the said castle, forts, and bulwarks. Together, with a coppy of the princes instructions to the said Mr. Swan, and his proposals, shewing in what manner he should declare for his royall father the King : with the princes promise touching the same

Karl, II, kung av England
(These papers were brought from his Highnesse Prince Charles, by Mr. W.B. Written in characters, and sealed with the princes seale, and signed, Charles P.)
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Printed for Iohn Clowes 1648 England, London [2], 6 sidor.