Proposals of Nicholas Dupin, Esq; The first deputy governour of the linnen and white writing-paper corporation in England, Scotland, and Ireland - To all the parishes in and about the city of London, and within the weekly bills of mortality, to set the poor to work, who are not employed in the woollen manufacture; whereby the said parishes will (after the expiration of the first year) be not only eased and discharged of the burthen of them for ever, but also be considerable gainers: for by employing 50000 poor, in the several parish workhouses, the product of their labour will amount, in one year, to the sum of 225000l. as it is hereafter more at large explained; which sum is to remain for a perpetual fund or stock, to be lodged and secured in the chamber of London or Bank of England, for the use of the poor, besides the charitable gifts, legacies, and other revenues formerly given and bequeathed by pious persons, and the voluntary, liberal, and charitable contributions to be bestowed by well disposed Christians, towards the encreasing the said poor's stock, and also the profits of the manufactured goods when sold

Nicholas. Dupin
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s.n. printed in the year, 1698 England, London 4 sidor.