Propositions for peace, propounded by the Kings most Excellent Majestie, to the High Court of Parliament. - Together with His Majesties royall protestation, concerning the cleering of all doubts of His raising armes against the Parliament. Also the Kings Majesties letter to the Lord Willoughby at Lincoln, concerning the militia, and mustering of the trained bands of the country. Likewise the Lord Willoughbies information concerning the said message to the House of Parliament. As also an order to send for the maior, for proclaiming the Kings proclamation. Also the votes of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the said message. Ordered that this be printed and published. Hen. Elsing. Cler. Parl

England and Wales
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June 28. Prined sic for William Arding 1642 England, London [8] sidor.
Printed by T.F. for N.R. 1642 England, London 6 sidor.