Records arithmeticke - contayning the ground of arts: in which is taught the generall parts, rules, and operations, of the same in whole numbers and fractions, after a more easie and exact methode then euer heretofore: first written by Robert Record, Doctor in Phisicke. Since corrected and beautified by many notations, and augmented with most briefe rules of practise and others; necessarie in the trade of merchandise. Whereunto is added certaine tables of the valuation of all coynes ... with diuers other tables and their explication. Very profitable and delightfull vnto all marchants, gentlemen, and others, as by the contents of this booke doth appeare. By Iohn Mellis. Also the art and application of decimall arithmeticke: a table of board and timber measure, and the vse thereof. The extraction and demonstration of the square and cubicke roots, with necessary questions and tables for interest after ten in the hundreth is newly therevnto adioyned. By R.N

Ground of artes
Robert Record
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Printed by Thomas Snodham for Roger Iackson 1615 England, London [26], 33-590 sidor., folded leaf