The birds of North and Middle America P. 10, Family Cracidae - the Curassows, Guans and Chachalacas, family Tetraonidae - the Grouse, Ptarmigan etc., family Phasianidae - the American Quails, Partriges and Pheasants, family Numididae - the Guineafowls, family Meleagrididae - the Turkeys - a descriptive catalogue of the higher groups

Robert Ridgway
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
1946 USA, Washington 484 sidor. : ill.
G.P.O. 1919 District of Columbia, Washington D.C. xvi, 852, [34 plates] pages plates 24 cm.
1916 USA, Washington 543 sidor. ill.
G.P.O. 1914 District of Columbia, Washington D.C. xxi, 882, [32 plates] pages plates 24 cm.
G.P.O. 1911 District of Columbia, Washington D.C. xxiii, 859, [33 plates] pages plates 24 cm.
G.P.O. 1907 District of Columbia, Washington D.C. xxii, 973, [34 plates] pages plates 24 cm.
G.P.O. 1904 District of Columbia, Washington D.C. xx, 801, [19 plates] pages plates 24 cm.
1902 USA, Washington 834 sidor. ill.
1901- USA, Washington
1901 USA, Washington 715 sidor. ill.