The Bottom of the Bothinan Bay - Geomorphology and sediments / Paavo Tulkki. Bottom photography used to study oxygen conditions in the northern Baltic Sea / Lauri Niemistö and Boris Winterhalter. Effects of fixation with formalin and Lugol's solution on ¹⁴C measurements of phytoplankton production / Pasi O. Lehmusluoto and Åke Niemi. Synoptic survey of the hydrography of the Åland Sea in 1973 / Ilmo Hela

Paavo Tulkki
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Havsforskningsinstitutet 1977 Finland, Helsinki 110 sidor.: ill., kart., diagr., tab. + 2 synoptiska kartor i ficka på bakre pärmens insida