The Emperor Marcus Antoninus his conversation with himself - together with the preliminary discourse of the learned Gataker. As also, the Emperor's life; written by Monsieur Dacier, ... To which is added the mythological picture of Cebes the Theban, &c. Translated into English from the respective originals, by Jeremy Collier, M.A

Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
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printed for J. Darby, A. Bettesworth, F. Fayram, J. Pemberton, R. Williamson, and 5 others in London 1726 England, London [8],334p.,plate port. 8⁰.
printed for Richard Sare 1708 England, London [10],420p.,plate port. 8⁰.
printed for R. Sare, and to be sold by William Davies 1702 England, London [10],240,36,cxxv,[3],241-272p. port. 8⁰.
printed for Richard Sare 1701 England, London [12],cxxv,[3],240,36,241-272p. ill.,port. 8⁰.