The Kings Maiesties resolvtion concerning York-shire - together with many other occurrences concerning His Royall Majestie and the high sheriffe of that countie : likewise fearfull and terrible newes from Yorkshire, Cheshire, and all the northern parts of England, concerning the great disturbances which were occasioned by many that rose up in a warlike manner in Yorkshire, May 19, 1642 : also how they were resisted by the high sheriffe of Yorkshire, having order and common from both Houses of Parliament to supresse all those that shall appeare in a warlike manner in that countie : with an information from York, concerning the Lord Seymer, the Lord Savill, and the Lord Rich, &c. : and their answer to the Parliaments message

Edward Sanders
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Printed for J. Horton 1642 England, London [8] sidor.