The Office of Adresses and Encounters. - where all people of each rancke and quality may receive direction and advice for the most cheap and speedy way of attaining whatsoever they can lawfully desire. Or, the only course for poor people to get speedy employment, and to keep others from approaching poverty, for want of emploiment. To the multiplying of trade, the advancement of navigation, and establishing this famous city of London in a more plentifull and flourishing condition than ever, as is earnestly desired, and shall be diligently endeavoured by a wel-willer of hers Henry Robinson

Henry Robinson
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printed by Matthew Simmons next doore to the Golden Lyon in Aldersgate street 1650 England, London [2], 6 sidor.
Printed by Matthew Simmons 1650 England, London 1 sidor. l., 6 sidor. 4to.