The Popes brief: or Romes inquiry after the death of their Catholiques here in England, during these times of warre. - discovered by two commissions; the one sent from the Pope that now is: the other from the Bishop and Duke of Cambrey, to severall commissioners in England: whereby the death of such Catholiques may be returned to the See of Rome, to be determined of (as may be fit for the glory of God.) Together with a catalogue of the vicars generall, and archdeacons under the Bishop of Calcedon, for the setling of the popish hierarchy in England. With divers letters concerning the same. Also severall letters and papers of the Lord Inchiquines in Ireland, intercepted by the Earl of Warwick, and sent to the House of Commons; wherein is discovered the ungratefull and perfidious dealing of the said Lord with the Parliament of England. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that the said Commissions, together with the Hierarchy, and severall letters and papers intercepted, be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com

Catholic Church
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Printed for Edw. Husbands 1643 England, London [2], 38 sidor.