The Spanish Tragedie

Thomas Kyd
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Good Press 2019 Utgivningsland okänt / Ej specificerat
Reading Classics 2018 Sverige 978-91-517-0086-1
1966 Storbritannien, Leeds (84) sidor.
Printed by Augustine Mathewes, for Francis Grove, and are to bee sold at his shoppe, neere the Sarazens Head, upon Snovv-hill 1633 England, London [88] sidor.
Printed by Augustine Mathewes, and are to bee sold by Thomas Langley, at his shop ouer against the Sarazens Head without New-gate 1623 England, London [88] sidor.
Printed by Augustine Mathewes, and are to bee sold by Iohn Grismand, at his shop in Pauls Alley, at the signe of the Gunne 1623 England, London [88] sidor.
Printed by Iohn White, for T Langley, and are to be sould at his shop ouer against the Sarazens Head without New-gate 1618 England, London [88] sidor.
Printed by W. White, for I. White and T. Langley, and are to be sold at their shop ouer against the Sarazens Head without New-gate 1615 England, London [88] sidor.
By W. White for Thomas Pavier 1611 England, Imprinted at London [92] sidor.
Imprinted by W. White for T. Pauier 1603 England, London [92] sidor.
By W. White for T. Pauier, and are to be solde at the signe of the Catte and Parrats neare the Exchange 1602 England, Imprinted at London [92] sidor.
Printed by VVilliam VVhite dwelling in Cow-lane 1599 England, At London [84] sidor.
Printed by Edward Allde, for Edward White 1592 England, At London [84] sidor.