The Swedish intelligencer. The first part. Wherein, ovt of the trvest and choysest informations, are the famous actions of that warlike prince historically led along: from his Majesties first entring into the Empire, vntill his great victory over the Generall Tilly, at the Battell of Leipsich. The times and places of every action being so sufficiently observed and described; that the reader may finde both truth and reason in it. Now the third time, revised, corrected, and augmented

William Watts
Verk före 1800
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
1632 Storbritannien, London. Printed by John Dawson for Nath: Butter and Nicholas Bourne. 1632 [16], 124, 121-132 sidor., [1] vikt pl.-bl. 4:o