The accompt rekenynge and confession of the faith of Huldrik Zwinglius byshop of Zuryk the chief towne of Heluetia - sent vnto Charles the fyfte nowe Emperoure of Rome, holdynge a counsel wyth the moost noble princes, estates and learned men of Germany assembled together at Ausburgh. 1530. in the moneth of Iuly. Translated out of latyn by Thomas Cotsforde. And imprinted at Geneua. In April. 1555

Ad Carolum Romanorum imperatorem Germaniae comitia Augustae celebrantem, fidei Huldrychi Zuinglij ratio
Ulrich Zwingli
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Printed by Egidius Van der Erve 1555 Tyskland, Geneva, i.e. Emden [32], 92, 83-110 sidor.