The acts for tonnage and poundage, shipping and navigation, prevention of frauds in His Majesties customs and the Book of rates - together with an abridgment of all the statutes now in force relating to the customs, continued to 22 & 23 Car. 2, and charta mercatoria in Latin and English, several rules and directions for gauging of ships, casks of wine and oyl, and measuring of timber : also, the fees of officers, tares of commodities, rates of scavage and package, &c., tables for oyls, linens, silks, tobacco, and wines, calculated for the duties payable upon them : to which is added an index alphabetically digested

England and Wales
(Collected for publick use.)
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Printed by the assigns of J. Bill and Chr. Barker ... 1671 Utgivningsland okänt / Ej specificerat, In the Savoy London [2], 393 sidor.