The argument of Mr. Peter de la Marteliere aduocate in the Court of Parliament of Paris - made in Parliament, the chambers thereof being assembled. For the Rector and Vniuersitie of Paris, defendants and opponents, against the Iesuits demandants, and requiring the approbation of the letters patents which they had obtained, giuing them power to reade and to teach publikely in the aforesaid Vniuersitie. Translated out of the French copie set forth by publike authoritie

Plaidoyé de Pierre de la Martelière ... pour le recteur et Université de Paris ... contre les Jesuites
Pierre de La Martelière
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By W. Hall, and are to be sold by N. Butter neere S. Austins Gate 1612 England, Jmprinted at London [16], 112 sidor.