The articles which were propounded to the Iesuites to subscribe them in the Parliament, on Sunday the 14. of March, &c. 1626 - By reason of a hurtfull and detestable booke, which is published vnder the name of Anthonius Santarellus. The sentence which the court of Parliament hath giuen against the Iesuites of the Colledge of Clemont on the 17. of March, &c. 1626. The censure which the diuines of the Vniuersitie of Paris haue made against a booke, which is instiled, Antonij Santarelli ex Societate Iesu tractatus de hæresi, schismate, apostasia, sollicitatione in Sacramento Pœnitentiæ, & de potestate summi pontificis in his dilectis puniendis. Ad serenissimum Principem Mauritium à Sabaudia. Roma, apud hœredem Bartholomæi Zannetti, 1625. Superiorum permissu

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By Iacques Besonge, i.e. B. Alsop and T. Fawcet dwelling within the Court of the Palace M.DC.XXVI. 1626 England, Printed at Rouan i.e. London [2], 6 sidor.