The banket of sapience

Thomas Elyot, Sir
(Compyled by Sir Thomas Eliot Knight.)
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Excudebat Henricus VVykes M.D.LXIIII. 1564 England, Londoni [6], 52 [i.e. 102], [2] sidor.
by Jhon Wally, dwelling in Foster lane. 1557 England, Jmprinted at London [107] sidor.
In ædibus Thomæ Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum 1545 England, Londini [4], 73, [i.e. 43], [1] leaves
In ædibus Thomæ Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Anno. M.D.XLII. 1542 England, Londini [4], 48 leaves
In ædibus Thomæ Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Anno. M.D. XXXIX. 1539 England, Londini [4], 48 leaves
By Ihon Daye, dwellynge ouer Aldersgate beneathe Saynte Martyns 1539 England, Imprynted at London [112] sidor.