The best way to make England the richest and vvealthiest kingdome in Europe, by advancing the fishing-trade and imploying ships and mariners. Or A plain description what profit it will bring to the kingdome of England, by erecting, building, and adventuring busses at sea for fishing; - with a perfect account of the vast riches, that is taken by the Dutch every year out of his majesties seas by their great numbers of busses, pinks and line-boats. As also a description of the sea-coast towns, harbours and other places most commodious about England for busses; together with the true value of the whole charges of building and furnishing to sea busses and pinks after the Holland manner

Tobias. Gentleman
(By T Gentleman, fisherman and mariner.)
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printed for the good and benefit of all his Majesties subjects in these his dominions 1660 England, London [7], 12 sidor.
s.n. 1660 England, London [7], 12 sidor.