A werke of preparacion, or of ordinaunce vnto communion, or howselyng - The golden pystle, an alphabete or a crosrowe called an .A.B.C. and the werke for housholders with a dayly exercyce and experience of dethe all duely corrected and newly prynted

Werke of preparacion
Richard Whitford
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In Fletestrete: by me Robert Redman, dwellynge at the sygne of the George, next to sainct Dunstones Churche 1537? England, Imprynted at London [136] sidor.
In flete strete, at the sygne of the George, by me Roberte Redman The yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxxi. The. xix. day of Auguste. 1531 England, Imprynted at London [176+] sidor.