The copy of a letter from Alisbury. - Directed to Colonell Hampden, Colonell Goodwin, and read in both Houses of Parliament, May 18. 1643. Relating how his Maiesty hath sent 12 or 1400 of his forces, under the command of the Earle of Cleveland, the Lord Shandosse, the Lord Crayford, and Sir Iohn Byron, into those parts, who amongst many other cruelties fired a countrey towne called Swanborne, in seven places, murdered diverse, and amongst the rest one woman big with child was cut in pieces by them. With an ordinance concerning the Arch-bishop of Canterbury. Die Iovis, Maii 18 1643 Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. Iohn Browne Cler. Parliamentor

John Wittewrong, Sir
Verk före 1800
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May 19. Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old Bailey 1643 England, London [8] sidor.