The examination of George Leddoze of Dorchester merchant, taken before Master Henry Maber mayor, and Mr Richard Burce, His Majesties iustices of the peace, the 27 of August. 1642. - Wherein is discovered the inveterate malice of the Lords and Cavaleers at Sherborne, against the Parliament and all good men, falsly scandalizing them under the nickname of Cropeard-Round-Heads. Sent from a member of the House of Commons in that county, and read in the House, and ordered to be printed. Hen. Elsynge Cl. Par. D. Com. Whereunto is added a letter from Coker, near Sherborne in Sommersetshire, of the war-like preparations there intended

George. Leddoze
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Printed for Laurence Blaiklock 1642 England, London [2], 6 sidor.