The exercise of armes for caliures, muskettes, and pikes - After the ordre of his Excellence. Maurits Prince of Orange Counte of Nassau etc. gouernour and captaine generall. ouer Geldreland. Holland, Zeeland, Vtrecht. Overyssel. etc. Sett forthe in figures. by Iacob de Gheyn. With written instructions. for the service of all captaines and comaundours. For to shewe hereout the better vnto their jong or vntrayned souldiers the playne and perfett maner to handle these armes

Wapen-handelinghe van roers, musquetten, en spiessen
Jacob de Gheyn
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They are toe bye at Amsterdam by Robert de Baudous. 1608 Printed at the Hage. With priviledge of the Emperours Matie. the King of Fraunce, and the noble and mightye Estates General of the vnited Provinces 1608 Nederländerna, Amsterdam and/or the Hage [14] sidor., 42, 43, 32 plates
They are toe bye at Amsterdam by Robert de Baudous. 1608. Printed at the Hage. With priviledge of the Emperours Matie. the King of Fraunce, and the noble and mightye Estates General of the vnited Provinces 1608 Nederländerna, The Hague [20] sidor., 85, 32 plates